New years Resolutions

I was feeling in a sort of hippie/philosophical mood when I wrote this. Please excuse this flower-childish indulgence of mine, but these are random musings that I have collected into a single work:

We pump our kids up with sugar and caffine, and then we give them rittalin so they calm the fuck down and pay attention.

We pump our cows full of growth hormones and feed them the remains of other cows, and we wonder were diseases like “mad cow” come from.

We base all of our romantic relationships on money and looks, and we wonder why they never seem to work out.

We don’t listen to our children; we pay a proffesional stranger to listen to them, and avoid any opportunities for bonding and mutual undertsanding in the process. 

 We perform surgical and biological attrocities to our bodys, trying to emulate the ideal body image, never questioning why 90% of the population doesn’t fit this idealized image.

 We go to schools where we are actively discouraged from learning.

 We have two vehicles in the garage, which we drive without passengers, and we wonder why athsma and respiratory diseases increase.

We splice jelly-fish genes with strawberries, spider genes with potatoes, and wonder where food allergies come from.

We destroy the economies of developing nations, then protest when their people come to our country to “take our jobs”.

And it is true that TV does kill the initiative to read, but so do our schools.

We have no money for youth programs, but we have money for more cops when the youth turn to deliquincy.

 If you rob a man for 100$, you could do 20 years; if you rob shareholders/taxpayers for $100 Million, you probably won’t serve a day.

We encourage kids to associate pleasure and socializing with stimulant use from the youngest ages, and then wonder why they get into stronger drugs as they get older.

 We all want to save the rainforest, but that would mean our cheese-burgers would cost more. Tough call.

We have empowered womyn with legal rights, while simultaneously preserving all of the economic.  societal  and chauvenistic pressures that keep them subordinate in the first place.

We are mad as hell at the price of gas, but we don’t feel like walking to the store; that’s like five blocks away.

 And we all want to end the war in Iraq(and elsewhere), but we have to work the next morning.

I know the names of movie stars in another country, but I don’t know my next door neighbours name. I think it’s fred…or Steve.

We call those who end their own lives “cowards”, but what is so brave about tranquilizing yourself daily, to the point of apathetic intoxication?

We claim to love democracy, but only politcally participate in the most passive, superficial way.

We claim to love the freedom of speech, but few of us encourage or practice it.

And above all, it is only when our problems hit crisis levels, when things go from bad to worse, that we realize the errors of our ways. It is only when we are truly fucked, that a mass desire to change emerges. When things calm down, however, all desires to change become like new years resolutions.

We hope that things get better, but we’ll probably do the same thing tommorow.

– RavenBlade

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